All fees can be paid by debit or credit card, direct bank deposit, or cash. Fees are to be paid at the end of the appointment or direct debit prior to the session. My fees reflect my levels of training, experience and abilities to work with a range of clients and issues. They also reflect my strong commitment to ongoing professional development to ensure I am providing the best service for you. Nonetheless, my fees remain considerably lower than the Australian Psychological Society recommended fees of $390 for an initial 80-minute session and $300 for a standard 50-minute psychology session.
All individual consultations with the exception of Hypnotherapy consultations (further details below).
A standard consultation is a 50-minute therapy appointment.
A standard consultation is a 50-minute therapy appointment.
An initial consultation of 90 minutes duration is required in order to gather sufficient information regarding the family’s needs.
A standard consultation is a 70-minute therapy appointment.
Some aspects of Hypnotherapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery training, and psycho-education can be offset by Medicare’s Mental Health Care Plan.
An initial consultation of 80 minutes duration is required. This fee covers the first session, In addition to a full explanation of the hypnotherapy processes, and writing of a program targeting your specific needs.
A standard hypnotherapy consultation has a 35 minute duration.
A long hypnotherapy consultation has a 55 minute duration.